Tacoma Public Schools Collective Bargaining Agreement

The Tacoma Public Schools Collective Bargaining Agreement: Understanding the Importance and Impact

In any workplace, disagreements can arise when it comes to employee rights, benefits, and working conditions. This is why unions were created to protect the rights and interests of workers. In Tacoma Public Schools, one of the largest school districts in Washington State, the Tacoma Education Association (TEA) serves as the exclusive bargaining representative for all certificated employees in the district.

The Tacoma Public Schools Collective Bargaining Agreement (CBA) is the agreement negotiated between TEA and the district`s administration that outlines the terms and conditions of employment for certificated employees. The CBA addresses matters such as salaries, benefits, working hours, leave policies, and other aspects of employment that affect teachers` working conditions.

Why is the CBA important?

The CBA is important because it establishes a structure for communication and problem-solving between the union and the district. It provides a framework for the negotiation and resolution of disputes that may arise between the two parties. It also provides job security and protection for teachers, since the agreement outlines their rights, responsibilities, and benefits.

The CBA also has an impact on the quality of education provided by Tacoma Public Schools. Teachers who are satisfied with their working conditions are more likely to provide a better quality of education to their students. When teachers are secure in their positions and have access to necessary resources, they are better equipped to deliver high-quality instruction.

What are the key provisions of the CBA?

Salaries: The CBA outlines salaries for certificated employees based on a salary schedule. The salary increases are negotiated every year during the bargaining process.

Benefits: The CBA provides for a range of benefits, including health insurance, dental insurance, and retirement benefits.

Working hours and conditions: The CBA establishes the number of hours teachers are required to work, as well as the conditions under which they work. This includes class sizes, preparation time, and workload expectations.

Leave policies: The CBA establishes leave policies, including sick leave, personal leave, and bereavement leave.

Professional development: The CBA provides opportunities for professional development for teachers, including workshops and training sessions.

What is the bargaining process?

The bargaining process is a crucial part of the CBA. It involves negotiations between the Tacoma Education Association and the district`s administration. The bargaining process typically happens every few years, and involves a series of meetings and discussions between the two parties.

During the bargaining process, both sides present proposals regarding salaries, benefits, and other working conditions. Negotiators work to find common ground and come to a mutually agreeable resolution. Once an agreement has been reached, it is presented to the TEA membership for ratification.


The Tacoma Public Schools Collective Bargaining Agreement is an essential agreement that outlines the terms and conditions of employment for certificated employees. It provides job security and protection for teachers, and has an impact on the quality of education provided by the school district. By understanding the CBA and its provisions, we can better appreciate the role that it plays in creating a fair and equitable workplace for teachers.